In this project I took part in the „#100dayproject“ online challenge by Elle Luna and Lindsey Thomas.
I addressed the topic of Private Parts and tried to look behind it. Everybody has things, topics and thoughts they keep private. But why? And is it really helpful to keep them private? Could we not start an open conversation by opening up to topics that are sensitive to ourselves? So I started with myself. I wrote down 100 topics that I keep private on little notes and I drew one of those daily and created mixed media artworks.
It was an intimate process, where I often found myself struggling either with finding the right way to treat the topic, posting the topic in the end (intimate stuff, mate) or the challenge of creating something every day. But I pulled through and I learned a lot about myself, my work ethics and my private parts.
And I accomplished my intentions. Many people responded to my works, started conversations. Sometimes we even argued. But everyone I talked to agreed, that talking about the things we normally keep private makes room for new ways of thinking, and that was exactly what I was hoping for
^ day 10 – Anxiety
Day 11 – Body Fluids
Day 12 – Frustration

Day 24 – Melancholie

Day 29 – Questions